Archive 2010

Look in the agenda of 2010

11 November Cello Biënnale Amsterdam Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ  
First performance of the Dans Suite with Lavinia Meyer – harp and Larissa Groeneveld – cello

7 November Musikhalle Hamburg 
German premiere of the new adaptation by Kees van Kooten:  Tag- und Nachtigall, voice – Yuri Tetzlaff

18 September Matinee op de Vrije Zaterdag Concertgebouw Amsterdam
First performance of a work for prepared piano and ensemble
Ralph van Raat – prepared piano, Jan Rokyta – cymbalom, Bart Veldkamp – accordeon and members of the Netherlands Radio Chamber Philharmonic

17 September Bimhuis  Amsterdam
80th  Birthdayconcert with many participants

21 May London Royal Academy of Music/David Josefovitz Recital Hall 16.15 hrs
Music for flute and piano by Liset Pennings and Richard Shaw

27 February Orgelpark Amsterdam
Guus Janssen & Theo Loevendie improvising

23 September Amsterdam Muziekgebouw aan ’t IJ
Loevendie programme with Kees van Kooten – narrator,  Charlotte Riedijk – soprano, Thomas Oliemans – baritone
en the Asko-Schönberg ensemble, Reinbert de Leeuw conducting
Laps, 6 Turkish Folk Poems,  the Liberator ( mini-opera, European premiere) De Dag-en Nachtegaal